Monday 30 July 2007

Signing and Treasure hunt

Finally yesterday all procedures were completed. Many documents were checked, and afterwards many stamps had to be attached to the contract.

We saw the investigation report from the house and found out the Erection date: It was built in Year one of Meiji Emperor!!! For non-Japanese, that is 1868. Several damage were listed together with date when it was fixed. Very neat. Also the cleanup was scheduled for next week, so we can start stripping the house after that.

Before the cleaning out of movable objects, we wanted to take a pick at old items, but due to short time remaining, it meant that we had to do the treasure hunt yesterday! Tomo and I got really dirty from rummaging dusty alcoves, and storage sheds, but out efforts were rewarded by some nice findings: An old sewing machine, camera, several pots, some furniture and old books, a pretty bicycle, as well as Farmer tools, and even some Kimonos.

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